When people with aphasia were interviewed and asked about their experience with conversation, communication difficulties, and their perception of communication strategies used by themselves and their communication partner:
People with aphasia “longed to regain their former language ability and role as an active participant in society. To enhance participation of persons with aphasia, it is suggested that communication partner training should be an important and integral part of aphasia rehabilitation.” (Johansson et al., 2012)
The MedConcerns app bridges the gap between healthcare providers and people with aphasia, allowing a consistent communication style that best serves the person with aphasia. The app does not require training, allowing increased ease and consistency with use of supportive conversation techniques.
“They get the opportunity to say what is important for them” –
“The combination of partner training with augmentative strategies may increase staff understanding of all individuals’ rights to have their communicative needs met and may support the influence of persons with aphasia on their own rehabilitation.” (Hansen et al., 2022)
The Patient’s Bill of Rights states that patients must be informed and actively participate in their treatment. Communication disorders make it difficult for people with aphasia to participate in conversations about their healthcare.
The MedConcerns app supports effective patient-provider communication. This allows the patient with aphasia to be an active participant in their care.
Augmentative strategies utilize methods of communicating that do not involve direct speech from an individual. The Medical Concerns app is an augmentative communication resource with embedded aphasia communication techniques. No training in aphasia communication techniques is required to use this app.
“Training conversation partners of people with aphasia to use facilitative communication strategies is one method that can improve access to healthcare for people with aphasia.”
Use of aphasia communication techniques and education “support improved efficiency of services and to enhance communication environments for people with aphasia in healthcare contexts.”
The MedConcerns app contains embedded aphasia communication techniques to ensure both patient and provider communicate in a shared language even when communication training has not occurred.
“According to HCP [healthcare providers], communication difficulties challenge the provision of healthcare activities and lead to negative feelings in HCP. HCP suggest that communication can be improved by providing more time in the healthcare pathway of people with aphasia, adapting healthcare information to the needs of people with aphasia…” (van Rijssen et al., 2020)
The MedConcerns app supports communication on both sides of the patient-provider conversation by adapting to the communication needs of the patient with aphasia. The result is a better and more positive experience.
“In the interviews, the nurses described feeling more confident about their ability to communicate with patients [after training], more certain about establishing understanding with patients, and more willing to initiate conversations about complex topics.” [emphasis added]
The MedConcerns app supports effective communication with patients with aphasia without requiring specialized training. This allows healthcare providers to feel more confident and more comfortable discussing complex topics, allowing for a deeper and more accurate assessment of the patient’s medical concerns.
[Note bolding, highlighting, underling in sections above is added]
Croteau, C., McMahon-Morin, P., Le Dorze, G., & Baril, G. (2020). Impact of aphasia on communication in couples. International journal of language & communication disorders, 55(4), 547–557. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12537
Hansen, D., Kristensen, L. F., Christensen, M. E., Eriksson, K., & Thunberg, G. (2022). ‘They get the opportunity to say what is important for them’: exploring staff’s early perceptions of the implementation of a new communicative approach to patients with aphasia. Disability and rehabilitation, 44(13), 3071–3080. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2020.1853829
Johansson, M. B., Carlsson, M., & Sonnander, K. (2012). Communication difficulties and the use of communication strategies: from the perspective of individuals with aphasia. International journal of language & communication disorders, 47(2), 144–155. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1460-6984.2011.00089.x
Lise R. Jensen, Annelise P. Løvholt, Inger R. Sørensen, Anna M. Blüdnikow, Helle K. Iversen, Anders Hougaard, Lone L. Mathiesen & Hysse B. Forchhammer (2015) Implementation of supported conversation for communication between nursing staff and in-hospital patients with aphasia, Aphasiology, 29:1, 57-80, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2014.955708
Power, E., Falkenberg, K., Barnes, S., Elbourn, E., Attard, M., & Togher, L. (2020). A pilot randomized controlled trial comparing online versus face-to-face delivery of an aphasia communication partner training program for student healthcare professionals. International journal of language & communication disorders, 55(6), 852–866. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12556
©Communication Rescue Services LLC 2022
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